Generative art Zoom backgrounds

It's easy! Make your own unique digital artwork today and use it as a background wallpaper in your online meetings.

Try it now The algorithms Video Conferencing Background Images

Works in other video conferencing apps as well. Also perfect for social media posts, NFTs, web designs and more.

Explore recent creations

Browse through algorithmically generated artwork created by other artists.

Rainbow Strings
Pastel Waves
fire crab
Radial Lines
Patriotic Fireworks
Easter Eggs
Ribbon Iris 3
Blue Egg
Rainbow Swirl
lo que dibujo
galaxy ring
Color flower
Fuzzy Spirals
Setting Sail
glitchy eye
Infinite Spiral
Blood Splatter
Zoom Further
Sunset Ripples
Flower Petals
Bumpy Cross

See more amazing artwork created by our users.

Browse more...

Fully customize your background

Select your favorite algorithm

We have several different algorithms with more coming soon. Pick your favorite artistic style and start creating some artwork.

Play around with the settings

Using simple controls, you can quickly adjust the settings and see your changes affect the artwork in real time.

You have total control over every aspect of the artwork.

Download your background image

After perfecting your masterpiece, save your artwork and download the image to your computer or phone.

In the settings for your video conference app you can select this image to be your virtual background wallpaper.